Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Contra The Movie
Sunday, October 21, 2007
How I Was Wrong About Herman's Hermits
The movie wasn't very good btw, I gave up on it after half an hour. I might not have liked it because I watched Head (The Monkees', not Herman's) right before though :(

Monday, September 10, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Joanna Gruesome
I pretty much knew this album sucked before I ever heard it. I had no idea who Joanna Newsom was and hadn’t heard a note of Ys (more like Ns) when it got rave reviews and made every music critic’s top 10 list of 2006, but I still figured it was bullshit. I mean, yeah, they keep saying it’s good, but there’s no way it actually is good. Then I heard the album. Turns out I was right.
Normally a ton of critical hype amounting to an awful album wouldn’t faze me in the least, but this album was so hyped and so awful that I couldn’t help ask myself a few questions: Is the indie community so creatively stagnant and aimless that they’ll tout whatever sounds different enough from what mom and dad listened to as “the next big thing?” Is the world of rock journalism so cynical that they think we’ll lap up just anything they make sound important? Is this chick deaf? I mean, I still wouldn’t be impressed, but it would explain why we’re all being nice to her, not to mention her voice.
Now I like 15 minute folk songs about faerie goblins and icicles as much as the next guy, but when it comes in the form of tuneless harp-prog I just can’t accept it as good. Newsom’s sound (I won’t call it music) is dreary, pedantic, aesthetically repulsive and horrifically pretentious, but all too misguided and dead-fucking-serious to be acceptably laughable (though I would love to laugh in Joanna’s face, it would probably melt her like water on the Wicked Witch). Newsom’s voice sounds like a buzzsaw to the ear’s genitals. If the lovechild of Billy Corgan and Fran Drescher chain-smoked through Roseanne’s vocal chords and then voiced a talking chicken in a Japanese cartoon on Nickelodeon, that chicken’s Bobcat Goldthwait impression would sound like Newsom’s singing voice. (Speaking of Japanimation, I bet it’s popular among Joanna’s fanbase, her lyrics have as much depth as a 14-year-old anime ninja philosophizing on “Do robots have feelings?” following a scene of a horny grandpa trying to look at a schoolgirl’s panties.) You might say Ys (more like Whys) is an acquired taste, to which I’d reply: only if I acquire it. Otherwise it’s just bad.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she’s technically proficient as sweet get out on the harp, and has likely had more years of classical training than I’ve had days of not living in my parents’ house. She may even have a degree in harp from a place worth a damn and a half if I’d bother to wikipedia her. And hey, I’d like to see me play the harp better! I also wouldn’t doubt for a second that her live shows are simply the bee’s knees. I can just picture it: Joanna dressed up like Juliet playing the harp with all the grace of someone fake from a black-and-white movie, while maybe some other guy stands to the side and plays an instrument from
I get raving about this album on your blogs/zines/blogzines, believe me I really do. Because if I thought I “discovered” this shit, oh Christ, I would not shut the fuck up about it ever. I would hoist it upon my shoulders and parade it through town like the cure for cancer, taking it upon myself to make sure I get everyone into it, or at least let them all know I liked it first. I’d probably even convince myself that Joanna is hot. But I didn’t discover it, so I have no reason to pretend it’s anything but unlistenable garbage. If you really want to hear something arty and intelligent-seeming, go listen to Bach or Mozart or one of those guys who had the decency to die like 200 years before we decided to give a shit… hell even jazz would be a step up. If you want to listen to something quirky and obscure, go to the dollar bin of the used CD store, pick whatever has the funniest cover or band name, and hype that to the high heavens, it can only be more worthwhile than Joanna’s record and it’ll save the rest of us 9 bucks. And if you, like so many Newsom fans claim, just want to hear something that doesn’t sound like Britney Spears or Ashlee Simpson or the typical top 40 pap, well neither do car horns and screeching tires, so go play in traffic, motherfucker. Ys (more like Zzzzzs) is, without hyperbole, the worst audio I have ever heard.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Freaks and Geeks
Joe Flaherty as Harold Weir heard about this student/teacher relationship and was steamed. He went down to the school to yell about it but he couldn't get past the secretary, who was played by Whoopi Goldberg who was the age she was in 1980 (Joe Flaherty was the age he is now though).
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Summer DVDs
The Monkees Season 1 & Season 2
Freaks and Geeks
DVDs I plan to rewatch this summer:
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Jonny Quest Season 1
Home Movies Seasons 1-4
DVDs I'm finally finishing up currently:
Groovie Goolies (got for Christmas)
The Best of the Electric Company Vol. 2 (got for Christmas)
Spider-Man: The '67 Collection (got in February 06)
Clutch Cargo Volume 2 (got in February 06)
DVDs I plan to finish up this summer:
SNL Season 1 (got for Christmas)
Animaniacs Volume 1 (got for Christmas)
DVDs I plan on buying this summer:
The Powerpuff Girls Season 1
Mission: Magic!, Hero High, and several Filmation DVDs
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home, Space Ghost and Dino Boy, and several Hanna-Barbera DVDs
The Partridge Family Season 2
Captain N: The Game Master
The Bugaloos (maybe)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Two Similar Dudes
This kind of happens in real life too :(
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I can't remember anything else about this dream but I do remember Jerry did not come off like a jerk, actually.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
Cherry Blossom Clinic
This dream is dumb, I am only posting it to say that I woke up abruptly almost drowning on my own mucus (I am sick).
Monday, March 5, 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Toward the end of this dream I kind of half woke up and, while I was still dreaming, I was thinking "I should post this dream on unclephilsmovie." When I woke up and the dream turned out to be not that interesting and didn't make much sense I was disappointed.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wes Anderson Movies, McDonalds, and High School
I went back to the movie theater later, apparently the movie theater also MADE movies. The characters in the movie were filming a movie about prehistoric times, and they had these fakey little backgrounds and papier mache pterodactyls on strings flying around. I was like "Is this how Wes Anderson thinks we think movies are made?" I was so disappointed in him.
Later I dreamed I was back in high school (another recurring theme in my dreams). I rode my bike to high school (which I never actually did) and when I got there I was early so I decided to go get food at the school McDonalds. One of my teachers was at the counter. I ordered an orange soda, some cookies, and a toy, but the right half of the McDonalds got struck by lightning right when I was ordering. None of the stuff that I ordered got struck though.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Adult Swim was also airing another old show that I liked that I wanted to watch, I forget which though.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Little Black Sasquatch
My friend planned on buying every video game in the store. We approximated there must have been 100 NES games, about 400 SNES games, and 74 N64 games.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Girl Band Documentary
The documentary aired as a segment on Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job. They replaced all the fights with stop-motion footage of stuffed (as in taxidermied) animals fighting. I didn't mind this change.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Anna Wintour & 30 Rock
Anna Wintour: Not so good
Tina Fey: Not so good
Jane Krakowski: Terrifying
Black girl from Clueless: Not so bad
The article didn't mention the men of 30 Rock at all, but I figured that Alec Baldwin probably wouldn't do it.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Wes Anderson Marathon
But what I'm wondering is if I should just go ahead and buy Rushmore first, then I could have more of a marathon.
Nah, you know what, that is just procrastinating. I'm just gonna do this marathon today.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
George Bush and Dave Foley
I dreamed I was standing in line to meet the president. Dave Foley was in the line too, and I was more excited to meet him than the president. That made me feel un-American. Once I was at the front of the line and it was my turn to meet the president, I was let into this door. I went into a big, empty, dimly-lit room, and George Bush was sitting at a desk with a lamp and a computer in the corner. He looked like he had nothing to do. He seemed happy to see me, like he would have been happy to see anyone. I sat down with him. He asked me "Wanna play Battleship?" and I said ok. We played, I had a good time.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Beginnings of Movies on TV
I watched the beginning of Romeo + Juliet (the modernized one with Leo Dicaprio). It had a lot of stylized crap that I usually hate but I gotta say I was liking it. I was really getting into the story and to my surprise the script sounded natural. But, just to be a jerk, I went "THIS IS GAY" and stopped watching it at the commercial. Now I wish I watched it, man.
I watched the beginning of American Beauty and it was good stuff! But I had a place to be so I could only watch up to the commercial. Later that day I went to the library figuring they'd obviously have it. THEY DIDN'T! They did however have at least 3 copies each of every Austin Powers movie :rolleyes And it wasn't even a college library I mean a REAL LIBRARY.
UPDATE 1/28 4:35pm: I bought American Beauty for 7.50 @ Wal-Mart.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Brian Baumgarter
It turned out, in the episode, Kevin, Dwight and Oscar were coming to my class. They did some kind of lecture, but I don't remember about what. I remember that we all had laptops with us, and we played some kind of interactive computer thing that involved the characters from Metalocalypse.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A Close Call
I had a lot of other frightening and weird dreams last night. I can barely remember them now, phew.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Beauty Parlor
Later that night I dreamed I was watching the Power Rangers movie and I spotted Tim and Eric as extras. It was the scene when the parents were at the quarry busting up rocks for Ivan Ooze, Tim and Eric were there hiding in a box and making silly faces.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Frank Zappa's House
Frank Zappa's house had this one all-comic book room. I went there thinking it was just a room where he kept his comics, but it turned out to be a comic book store. There was a guy dressed as Space Ghost there. I thought he was just part of the comic book room, but it turns out he was the only guy working there. From the comic book store I found all kinds of stores that Frank Zappa had in his house.
I went back to hang out with Frank Zappa and asked him if he remembered me from the Ben Folds incident, and he said he did, but he was high so he might have been lying.
I went to the supermarket part of Frank's house and at this point I knew I was dreaming, so I just got some oranges and ate them.
I think I dreamed this because I watched the Elliot Gould episode of SNL season 1 before going to sleep.
Roseanne Reunion
Then I woke up.
Secret Kindergarten
I dreamed that it was the far post-apocalyptic future, and I lived in a huge mansion on top of an enormous mountain of garbage. I found out that someone in the mansion was evil and was up to no good (I don't remember the details here), so I ran out of the mansion and hid in a fort of couch cushions that was part of the garbage mountain. While I was hiding, I started digging in the couch cushions and underneath the garbage mountain I found an old abandoned kindergarten. I decided to live there and teach kids kindergarten if they ever found the place.
The dream cuts to a year later, and the kindergarten was full of kids who I taught kindergarten to during the day. Also I listened to a lot of gangsta rap and had to keep reminding myself not to in front of the kids. Then, the guy who was evil from the beginning of the dream came to the kindergarten with a birthday cake, saying it was his birthday and he turned good. Then me, him and the kids all had a party.
Also, during the whole dream, I was Adam Sandler, but not the real Adam Sandler, I was Adam Sandler playing a movie role.