Sunday, January 14, 2007

Beauty Parlor

I dreamed that my mom and sister went to the beauty parlor and I went along. We got there at like 9am as soon as the place opened. Surprisingly the place was packed, with both girls AND guys there to do beauty things. I really had to go to the bathroom but there was a line so I just didn't go. There was an area of the beauty parlor where people who weren't getting makeovers or w/e could wait, so I sat there and watched 24. I thought about walking to McDonalds and bringing it back to the beauty parlor so I could eat while I waited. I fell asleep and when I woke up my mom and sister were gone and the beauty parlor was mostly empty and there was a women tanning bottomless. Not in a tanning machine, just tanning through the window. I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't know how to get home so I took the bus. It was a big yellow school bus. I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke up the bus was at its last stop and was done for the day.

Later that night I dreamed I was watching the Power Rangers movie and I spotted Tim and Eric as extras. It was the scene when the parents were at the quarry busting up rocks for Ivan Ooze, Tim and Eric were there hiding in a box and making silly faces.

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