Monday, December 8, 2008

Cos + Effect and Chevy Chase: TV Star: The Criterion Collections

DVD covers for the two videos I made:

This blog needs more art on it huh.

Chevy Chase: TV Star

Another video I made:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Watchin' Disney #07: The Three Caballeros

Lord that post about Saludos Amigos stinks. The thing is is that Saludos Amigos is just a collection of shorts about Latin America, and there isn't a whole lot to write about something like that. The movie of today, The Three Caballeros, is also a collection of shorts about Latin America, so just go ahead and skip this post; it will suck.

Previous relationship with movie: Owned it on VHS as a kid, have had "THE THREE CABALLEROS, THEY SAY WE ARE BIRDS OF A FEATHAAAHHHH" running through my head for about 16 years.

So I watched it: This movie is pretty great. Our old pal Donald Duck is the star, the movie starts out with Donald Duck receiving a package from his Latin American friends. The package is some films that are, much like the content of Saludos Amigos, a bunch of short cartoons that have to do with Latin America. Soon enough, Donald's pal and my new favorite Disney Character Joe Carioca comes and sings songs and does dances with Donald and eventually their other friend Panchito comes and, again, more singing and dancing. The whole like last half of the movie is basically just many different scenes of Donald dancing with live action Latinas.

Oh, also there's a really cool rude bird called the Aracuan, he might be my favorite character instead of Joe Carioca actually (trust me he's great).

Anyway, despite my snark, this movie rules.

Best part of the movie: New feature of Watchin' Disney! The best part of this movie is when Donald Duck throws his sombrero in the air and it turns into a sailor hat and falls on his head.

Up next: Make Mine Music, how bout that.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Watchin' Disney #06: Saludos Amigos

It's been too long since the last time I've watched Disney, but I haven't forgotten about this blog feature (making me the only one alive who hasn't forgotten about my own blog's blog feature). The reason for the delay: I'm up to Saludos Amigos, which proved kind of hard to find a library that had it on DVD to rent. I ended up getting it on loan from a library from Martin Luther King Dallas Library (who knew Texas had a Martin Luther King Library? I kinda expected a Chuck Norris Library or Alamo Library or something). Anyways, I got the DVD, I watched it, and now I'ma blog about it.

Previous relationship with movie: Never even heard of it! I didn't even know it was a movie (it kind of isn't, it's 42 minutes long).

So I watched it: I like it! It's pretty much one of those movies where Walt tries to teach you stuff; in this instance, he tries to teach you about Latin America. It's basically four shorts put together with some footage of the Disney animators going to Mexico and learning about the culture and drawing cartoons of it, and then you watch the cartoons they draw! Cool!

The shorts are all pretty good. The first three are a Donald Duck cartoon, a cartoon about an anthropomorphic plane with a mom plane and a dad plane, and a Goofy cartoon. They're all pretty basic Disney cartoons, except they happen to take place in Mexico. The last cartoon is Donald Duck meeting rude parrot Jose Carioca, in a watercolor painting of Brazil. I don't have much to say about them really. They're just cool cartoons, I recommend this movie.

Man this is a terrible blog post. The thing is I'm rushing it because this DVD is due soon and I'm gonna rack up mad fines if it's late seeing as how it needs to be shipped back to Dallas.

Up next: The Three Caballeros; more Jose Carioca, I can't wait.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Watchin' Disney #05: Bambi

Hey it's Bambi, you guys know that movie. Let's go watch some Disney.

Previous relationship with movie: I don't really have any strong memories of watching Bambi. I'm sure I've seen it before, because I own a VHS copy of it and for the first six or so years of my life I did nothing but watch Disney movies on VHS. A couple of months ago I bought a slipcover-less used copy of the Bambi Platinum Edition DVD because it's out of print and I had either started or was planning to start Watchin' Disney: The Blog Feature.

So I watched it: I don't think I have too much to say about Bambi. I can see why I don't have strong memories of it, despite having probably seen it, because not a whole lot happens in it. That's not a bad thing though. It is a good thing. The movie is just basically a bunch of scenes where Bambi grows up and lives his life in a forest. It's a cool thing to try, a "realistic" movie about forest critters. It's a thing that was worth doing, and thank god Walt and co. did it when they did cause you can't just make an animated movie about scenes in a forest now. Yeah, Bambi's mom dies, but that's not the point of this movie. It's just a thing that happens in Bambi's life.

Speaking of Bambi's mom dying, this movie is pretty dark, enough to make me think the Disney stereotype of "cutesy forest critters" is undeserved, and that said stereotypes' parodies involving Disney-esque cutesy forest critters doing rude things like KILLING each other and having BLOOD and GUTS are in fact entirely superfluous.

What else can I talk about, uhhh, I had no idea that Bambi grows up in this movie, but he does, he grows up and gets a grown up voice like Simba. I can't really take grown up Bambi seriously though, I mean his name is BAMBI. The DVD box cover as well as this blog post features Bambi making cute eyes at a butterfly, who expects to see that character all grown up with antlers and everything? But at the end of the movie grown Bambi beats up a bunch of hunting dogs and that's pretty cool. (Don't worry about spoilers, like I said this movie pretty much has no story.) I liked Bambi, for real, I just still haven't really gotten into the rhythms of the old Disney animated movies. It's taking me a while!

Up next: Saludos Amigos. What the hell is Saludos Amigos? I'm afraid it's going to be a while before I can work up the enthusiasm to go rent and watch that, hopefully not too long though.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Teaser image, oo la la

A preview image of a video project I'm doing, I hope turns out cool.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Watchin' Disney #04: Dumbo

Here's a little movie about an elephant with big ears.

Previous relationship with movie: I'm not sure if I have ever seen Dumbo. I thought I'd seen it; I remembered it starting out with baby Dumbo hatching from an egg. Then he is made to work in the circus where he gets teased by the other elephant children for his big ears, and he doesn't like it so he flies to the city. City life is too hard for Dumbo, so he flies back to the circus and becomes a star for his big ears and everyone loves him. As I found out from watching the movie, pretty much all of this was wrong. So, I don't know if I've ever actually watched it. I've also never seen Dumbo's Circus.

So I watched it: Dumbo is actually pretty ridiculous. There's a scene where the circus ringmaster makes all of the elephants stack up in a pyramid. I dunno man, if I saw a bunch of elephants stacked on top of each other in real life, all standing on their feet and practically reaching the roof, I'd be terrified. I wouldn't think it was a cool circus trick at all. The whole movie kind of exists in a sort of believable/cartoony mix. So it's weird, you're watching a movie about a flying elephant and you have to remind yourself that it's a cartoon. But hey, these guys were pretty much inventing animated movies, so you gotta cut them some slack.

Dumbo reminds me a lot of Pinocchio, and not just because it has a mentor mouse in the Jiminy Cricket role. Like Pinocchio, it has a pretty insane story that is paced so bizarrely. For example, this movie is 64 minutes long, and you don't actually see Dumbo fly until about 60 minutes in. It works well within the movie, but it's still weird to watch a movie about a flying elephant and see a total four minutes of flying. Only Operation Dumbo Drop has a lower flying elephant time to total running time ratio in the history of movies called Dumbo. Oh, also there's a scene in Dumbo where Dumbo and his mouse friend get drunk and have visions of dancing elephants, and that takes up like five minutes (out of 64 minutes). And then there are the vaguely-racist crows. Anyway I liked Dumbo. I don't know how I'd rank it against the rest of the Disney movies so far, but I liked it. This also has the best songs in a Disney movie so far, "Casey Junior" is going to be playing in my head for weeks.

Up next: Bambi, let's see how that goes.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Watchin' Disney #03: Fantasia

It has been too long since I've last Watched Disney, and for that I am sorry. I've actually had Fantasia rented for weeks but, as I said in the last post, I kind of thought it blew, so I was putting off watching it as much as I could. But Watchin' Disney isn't about whether or not I feel like Watchin' Disney, it's about Watchin' Disney. So Disney I watched.

Previous relationship with movie: Well, I kind of thought it blew.

So I watched it: I do not think it blows anymore. First of all I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and no duh a kid is going to think a movie about shapes dancing along to classical music blows. Second of all my most recent memory of Fantasia is seeing Fantasia 2000, which best I can remember really did kind of blow. But that is dozens of Watchin' Disneys away. So as I've said, I don't think Fantasia blows anymore, in fact I like it now.

I mean this movie just starts out so bizarrely. The title doesn't even come up at the beginning. Just some guy walks up to the screen, and explains that they're going to play some classical music with animated visuals set to it. Like, he just says it like it's the most normal thing in the world. Now I can't claim to know what was going on in 1940, but the DVD is restored so well that it looks like it was shot today, and it's not like the fashions of the classical music scene have changed a lot since 1200 or whatever A.D., so I couldn't help watch this guy explain the concept of Fantasia as though it was made today, and it was almost like a Tim and Eric sketch come to life. So insane. Maybe that's why Fantasia 2000 kind of blew, because they had Penn and Teller do tricks and other comedians come out and crack jokes rather than just say it like it is that they're going to play some classical music with animations and you are going to watch.

And even then they just show the orchestra playing for like six minutes before there's actually any animation, and even then it's just a bunch of lines bouncing around. Frankly the actual animated parts of Fantasia aren't THAT good. They're extremely well-animated no doubt but they're not really all that entertaining to watch. The Sorcerer's Apprentice (the part with the wizard Mickey) is very obviously the best part, there's a reason that's the only part of Fantasia most people care about. However there is by a 20-minute segment where they just spit in Sarah Palin's bespectacled face by animating billions of years of evolution, complete with fish walking on land and dinosaurs non-coexisting with humans, set to classical music and marketed to children. Maybe 1940 was a lot cooler than I give it credit for.

Up next: Dumbo. That one should be soon, no more long waits, I swear.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A p. great page out of my notebook

We had to come up with 3 ideas for art projects we could do. I did that... AND some drawings. (a glimpse into my mind ^_~ )

Some of the more illegible texts:

fat bald guy: "pukin' up @'s"
one sad turtle: "stop putting graffiti and hats on me"
ghost w/ hat: "I'm terrible"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Watchin' Disney #02: Pinocchio

Hey, already up to Pinocchio! With any luck I'll have all these movies done in time to see Bolt in theaters! (I won't have any luck)

Previous relationship with movie: Owned it on VHS and watched it a bunch. Bought the DVD for Spanish class because the teacher gave extra credit for bringing in movies to watch and he liked Disney movies. We never watched it in class, but it doesn't even have a Spanish language track, so if we did I wouldn't have gotten the extra credit! Whoops! I failed the class anyway. This might be the first time I've ever watched the DVD.

So I watched it: It starts out pretty awesome. The first scene is almost a third of the whole movie. Rad, and admirable. But then after that, after the fox takes Pinocchio to the circus, it gets kinda insane. Then you have Donkey Island and then somehow Gepetto has been eaten by a whale? There are cool parts in each sequence though. The movie is a treat to look at, with so much great animation, but so far I have to say not as good as Snow White. Not bad though! I enjoyed it, I did!

Up next: Fantasia. Don't expect the wait for that one to be as short as this though; I don't own a copy of Fantasia on DVD or VHS, and I kind of think Fantasia blows, so I'm not in a huge rush to go rent a copy. Eventually, though. Maybe re-watching it will change my mind, that's what this whole thing is about isn't it! (?)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Watchin' Disney #01: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


Welcome to Unclephilsmovie's latest and greatest feature, Watchin' Disney! I'm going to be watching all of the Walt Disney Animated Classics in order and blogging about it. I'm not really sure what this "feature" is going to be. I don't want to review the movies because I'd probably give all of them A's regardless of how much I liked them because of their "historical value" and whatnot, well at least until I get up to the ones that stink and have no historical value, like Dinosaur. I really just want to watch all of the Disney animated classics, to reacquaint myself with the ones I haven't seen since I was little and finally see the ones I haven't seen, and I think if I don't blog about it I won't do it.

So, let's get right into The Blog Post That Started It All: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

Previous relationship with movie: Owned it on VHS growing up. Bought a used copy of the Platinum Edition DVD after it had gone out of print when I decided I should start collecting the Disney Platinum Edition DVDs (a trend I start every once in a while and give up on, hopefully this feature will get me to catch 'em all).

So I watched it:
It's a nice movie, you know? Sure a lot of stuff is cheesy but it also has a lot of beautiful animation, some inventive stuff, and it holds up well. There, there's a "review" of every Disney animated movie through 1970. No for real, I enjoyed this movie. What, am I supposed to sit here and be snarky about a movie everyone loves? The internet is in no short supply of snark, THIS MOVIE IS A CLASSIC FOR A REASON, FOLKS. I genuinely laughed a couple times, and the scene when Snow White runs through the woods and the tree bark turns into alligators is cool! Ok hopefully after a few more movies I'll get the hang of what I'm gonna do with Watchin' Disney.

Up Next: Pinocchio! Should be fun!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Uh oh

Last night I dreamed I started a rap duo with Taylor Momsen, am I going to jail?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kardashians, Carey and Rose

I dreamed that myself, the Kardashian sisters, and Drew Carey were all in an episode of the Drew Carey Show. It started out with the Kardashians trying to steal a bag of Double Stuf Oreos; I don't remember this part so well but it's not important. What is important is what comes next: Axl Rose showed up at Drew's house with a long red mullet playing a bill collector trying to get Drew to pay a bill. I wasn't sure if that was Axl so I snuck off and checked his IMDb, sure enough it was him in this Drew Carey Show episode. I hate Axl so I got a cup of water and threw it in his face, Andy Kaufman-style. He threw a tennis ball at me, so I called him a cuss and ran off. I woke up immediately and in that sleepy daze was afraid to go back to sleep because I thought Axl would beat me up in my next dream. I don't know why though, Axl's a wuss.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I made some stuff

I made these things.

A website:

An animated short I made:

Exclusive behind the scenes photo of that short:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Drawing Celebrities from Memory part II

Here's a drawing I made a long time ago, I don't remember when, but I just found it:

Michael Oliver Ponce, aka Problem Child, as he appears today. Good lord did I ever nail him.

A bonus celebrity drawing (two if you count Zorak, which I do):

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A new post around here

Man I have not touched this in some time. I haven't had any cool dreams lately. I don't have any ideas of what to post here. I like unclephilsmovie, I want it to stay alive.

I've been doing this:

One time I was going to make a blog post about my top 10 all time TV shows. Here's the list.

1. Space Ghost Coast to Coast
2. Wonder Showzen
3. Upright Citizens Brigade
4. Freaks and Geeks
5. Beavis and Butt-head
6. Late World with Zach
7. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
8. (tie) The Monkees/The Partridge Family
9. Jonny Quest
10. Match Game 76

I think I still mostly agree with it but not 100%.

I made this, I'm not going to say it's not good but don't watch it unless you have nothing better to do:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Movies 2007

I barely saw any movies in 2006 so I decided to keep track of all the movies I saw in theaters in 2007 (and in the first few weeks of late 2007 releases in 2008). Here are all the movies I saw in order of when I saw them.

Factory Girl
Reno 911!: Miami
The Queen
Black Snake Moan
Reign Over Me
I Think I Love My Wife
Blades of Glory
The Namesake
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters
The Hoax
Meet the Robinsons (in 3-D)
Hot Fuzz
Avenue Montaigne
Knocked Up
Away from Her
Spider-Man 3
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End
Paris, je t'aime
Evan Almighty
The Valet
Eagle vs. Shark
Live Free or Die Hard
The Simpsons Movie
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Hot Rod
Talk to Me
Nancy Drew
Rocket Science
The TV Set
The Ten
Shrek the Third
The Brothers Solomon
Surf's Up
The Nanny Diaries
The Heartbreak Kid
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
Death at a Funeral
Balls of Fury
The Darjeeling Limited
Gone Baby Gone
Across the Universe
Michael Clayton
The Nightmare Before Christmas (in 3-D)
My Kid Could Paint That
Dan in Real Life
Into the Wild
Margot at the Wedding
Bee Movie
No Country for Old Men
I'm Not There
Lars and the Real Girl
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
I am Legend
Charlie Wilson's War
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
There Will Be Blood
The Savages

Woah that's a lot of movies! Here are the top 10 best ones of those:

10. The Simpsons Movie -You did it Homer. This barely made my top ten, I kind of didn't want to put it here, but I decided to give it the tenth spot for a couple reasons. First off, it made with the LPMs (laughs per minute). Above everything it is a very funny movie, and it stays funny all the way through, so props for that. Second off, it's very nice to look at. Hand-drawn 2-D animation is my favorite thing in the world and it was nice to see it on the big screen looking so fun, better animated than the TV show ever was. Third off this movie makes my ten for showing me how much I can still enjoy Homer and crew. I have not been a fan of The Simpsons for a long while, and for good reason, because it sucks (shut up), but this movie was a great reminder of how much the show used to mean to me. Great job, Homer.

9. Control - This movie is a pretty basic biopic of Ian Curtis, the singer for Joy Division, and a dude who committed suicide (spoilerz). I'm a little bit of a Joy Division fan and a little bit of a fan of Director's Label DVD-haver Anton Corbijn so I thought I'd check this out. I'm glad I did, because it's actually really rockin and super-pretty to look at. Even though almost the entire second half of the movie is about the week leading up to his suicide, the first half is about being a small-time band like Joy Division and what it's like when passionate dudes are getting famous for playing rock and roll. Movies about rock and roll are movies I like.

8. Once - Here's another movie about rock and roll. It's kind of a realistic musical about an Irish dude who meets a girl and they make music together. I loved this movie for a lot of reasons, but the most main one is because it reminded me of the Wonder Years episodes when Kevin Arnold would go on summer vacation and meet a girl and have fun for a summer. Man that's all I want, a fun summer.

7. Knocked Up - Man this movie. I kind of wish I didn't like it as much as I do, because there are a lot of reasons not to. Yeah the script isn't great, it goes on long, all the over-reliance on improv, the sexism (I agree with you Heigl), and plus I hate kids, what do I need to see a movie for about how great it would be to have them. But I can't help fall in love with it. It's high with the LPMs, it charms the heck out of me, and makes me genuinely feel sad in a good way. Also I'm ranking it this high in case Judd Apatow sees it so he can maybe put me in a movie (or three).

6. I'm Not There - Another musical biopic, this one about Bob Dylan. This is an "experimental biopic" as you may have heard, with six actors playing different stages of Bob Dylan's life. I'm probably less of a Dylan fan than I am of Joy Division, nothing against Dylan but I just never sought out his work, and people have said you have to be a Dylan fan to really "get" this movie but I loved it all the same. Even without knowing anything about Bob Dylan this movie was entertaining as hell to me, it has Bob Dylan hanging out with the Beatles and David Cross and playing a whole bunch of rock songs while being rude. Ok I pretty much described only the Cate Blanchett parts but the rest of the movie was pretty awesome too. Referenced three times on the O'Reilly Factor in case you were wondering.

5. There Will Be Blood - Sorry, Kevin Smith. Yeah, this movie is great, great acting, great directing, great story, but you've already heard all of that I'm sure. But also one of the best parts about this movie that you never hear about is how it has a lot of good quotes that you can do impressions of, such as "MY SON!"

4. Ratatouille - I loved this movie a lot because it really brought me back to my old days of when I used to watch Disney animated movies on VHS all the time. Back before I had cable all I ever watched were super-old Disney movies (like Snow White, Lady and the Tramp, etc.) over and over again and Sesame Street. And with Ratatouille, Brad Bird and Pixar made a movie that feels more like a modern version of a Disney classic than anything I've seen from Disney proper. I can imagine kids today watching this over and over again on DVD or Blu-Ray (ugh) and for once I can feel happy about what kids today are watching.

3. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters - Our favorite crudely animated food trio finally makes a leap onto the big screen. I loved this movie because as far as I'm concerned it was perfect in what an Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie should be. Granted I'm already a fan of the show, but I admired how unapologetic this movie was about staying true to the spirit of the show, while keeping the LPMs high. I really didn't think I'd see a better movie than ATHFCMFFT this decade, BUT I SAW TWO BETTER ONES THIS YEAR. What can they be? Read on...

2. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters - This is a documentary about a nice guy trying to get the world record in Donkey Kong from a rude dude who has the top spot. Even though it might seem like it's just a movie about video games, it really has it all: an awesome story with all kinds of plot twists, some great characters you can get behind as well as one of the meanest villains around, a bunch of conflict, and it even has people becoming champions by doing what they love. Also I loved this movie on a personal level because it made me realize that video games that you can't get a high score in aren't worth a dang.

1. (of all time) Hot Rod - This is the best movie I have ever seen. Rod Kimble (my hero) goes around town doing stunts on his motorbike, hangin' out with his buddies, and being a general screw-up in his life until his stepdad gets sick and Rod has to save the day with the biggest stunt he's ever done. Along the way you get to meet a whole bunch of great characters and see some hilarious gags. With this movie The Lonely Island officially become the world's funniest movie makers as they bring the LPMs up to infinity. Cool guys like Bill Hader, Danny R. McBride and Chris Parnell join TLI's Andy Samberg and Jorma Taccone for great gags and great fun, examples of which I don't feel like explaining. Just see it, yo. And F the haters, Lazy Sunday was always awesome.

11-20 honorable mentions:

11. Persepolis - I really wanted to put this in the 10th spot or as I call it the "2-D animation spot" (ha ha) but Homer won out in the end. Persepolis is an animated biopic from France (:rolleyes) about a girl growing up in Iran; it's got sadness, laughs, and hand-drawn animation. I guess all it needed was the Homer-man.

12. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story - I love movies about rock and roll and I love movies with hilarious jokes in them, how come this didn't make my top ten? I dunno man, it was just a really good year for movies I guess! John C. Reilly plays a rude rocker who goes for the LPMs but it seems like he lost out to the dudes who went for the heart like in Once or Control.

13. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - This movie is based on a true story, and it's about when the editor of Elle Magazine in France gets paralyzed except for one eye, and he writes his memoirs by blinking. Even though it didn't make my top ten, this movie really hit me on a personal level because my secret dream is to be a French fashion magazine editor.

14. Juno - Shut up. Yeah, here's another movie about having kids and how great it is and blah blah blah, and again I wish I didn't like it so much but I can't help falling in love with it. Man I guess I am just a dad on the inside. There are a bunch of things this movie has against it, but I don't care.

15. The Darjeeling Limited - I actually liked this movie a lot better than most people seemed to judging by the reviews it got but not enough to make my ten. I still love your movies Wes.

16. Superbad - This movie almost made me die laughing when I saw it in theaters, it's not as good on DVD though. Still though, it's good.

17. Into the Wild - A movie by Sean Penn about Emile Hirsch playing a kid who graduates college and runs off and has his own adventures. Some people are mad that this movie glorifies the life of a kid having adventures, I say that life sounds pretty glorious already! (I don't actually say that :( )

18. No Country for Old Men - I LIKED THIS TOO, SO WHAT.

19. Gone Baby Gone - Ok Kevin Smith, are we friends again? This is a movie directed by Ben Affleck about a rude detective from Boston trying to solve a crime in a gross city. It's got crimes, good twists, some gun shooting, and Casey Affleck doing an accent that's fun to do impressions of, and on top of that it really makes me miss the east coast. All of that adds up to a good movie to me.

20. Paris, je t'aime - This is a whole bunch of short films about Paris, all by different directors (man if I love France so much why don't I marry it :rolleyes). I wanted to put it on here because it was one of the best theater experiences I've had in a while. I saw it in a pretty packed theater, and I was the youngest one there by at least 30 years. One of the segments was directed by Gerard Depairdieu and it was just about old people talking about old people things. The entire theater of old people was losing their shit laughing, it was pretty stellar.

Bonus honorable mentions to Blades of Glory, The Ten and The Brothers Solomon, three great comedies that didn't have the LPMs to get into the top 20 but still were great times.

Top 5 worst movies of 2007 (well I didn't see anything too terrible this year, so these are more the 5 "lamest" or "least good" movies that I saw this year [well except for number 1, that one I really pretty much hated]):

5. Evan Almighty - My two John Goodman jokes are better than this movie's actual jokes: 1) Goodman says "TWO OF EACH ANIMAL? DELICIOUS!" 2) When Carrell says he's going to build a boat Goodman says "HEY THAT'S MY LINE!"

4. Margot at the Wedding - Well done and all but just unpleasant as hell to sit through.

3. Shrek the Third - It is important to me that you know that I have valid reasons for not liking Shrek 3 that I don't really want to bother explaining.

2. TMNT - It's pretty unfair putting this movie under "worst" because most of why I didn't like it is because it didn't meet up with my expectations, but it still wasn't any fun for me. I just wanted a nostalgia kick for my old days as a young Turtle fan, this movie came up short on nostalgic-ness and short on being a good movie, but long on boring video game graphics.

1. Balls of Fury - Can we all admit by now that Tom Lennon and Ben Garant stink at movies? Sure Reno 911: Miami was fun enough, and Taxi and The Pacifier, etc. were all cashgrabs, but Let's Go to Prison was bad and this movie is garbage. It doesn't even feel like the makers of it find it funny, like it's their idea of what us "regular" people find funny, and it ends up being not funny to anyone. At least if this movie had pot jokes, I could at least go "well, stoners might like it," and that's how bad this movie is, it would be better if it had pot jokes.

For bonus fun, Top 7 TV shows of 2007:

1. Xavier: Renegade Angel
2. Flight of the Conchords
3. 30 Rock
4. Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
5. Yo Gabba Gabba!
6. The Sarah Silverman Program
7. The Soup (yeah I said it)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Drawing Celebrities from Memory

Lately I've been trying to draw celebrities from memory, here are some of my results.

This was actually supposed to be Joe Jackson, but it looks almost exactly like David Wain and even more like a teacher I had once. It looks nothing like Joe Jackson, what on earth was I thinking.

Famous Oscar-winner Daniel Plainview. Not very good, but he is saying the best line from the movie; not the milkshake one but "MY SON!"

I think this was supposed to be Keith Moon? I might have been trying to create my own Doug character though.

Celebreality star (I'm guessing but probably, right?) Kid. You can tell I rushed it just to get to the rectangle on his head.

The late great Heath Ledger in the role made famous by Cesar Romero. Not TOO bad, I guess! Man actually it kinda stinks.

Coulter/Clapton. Man what the hell, I can't even tell what era Clapton that's supposed to be. My best celebrity drawing was David Wain and it was my first one and I wasn't even trying to draw him. I give up, no more drawing celebrities from memory, it's too hard.