Friday, August 29, 2008

Watchin' Disney #02: Pinocchio

Hey, already up to Pinocchio! With any luck I'll have all these movies done in time to see Bolt in theaters! (I won't have any luck)

Previous relationship with movie: Owned it on VHS and watched it a bunch. Bought the DVD for Spanish class because the teacher gave extra credit for bringing in movies to watch and he liked Disney movies. We never watched it in class, but it doesn't even have a Spanish language track, so if we did I wouldn't have gotten the extra credit! Whoops! I failed the class anyway. This might be the first time I've ever watched the DVD.

So I watched it: It starts out pretty awesome. The first scene is almost a third of the whole movie. Rad, and admirable. But then after that, after the fox takes Pinocchio to the circus, it gets kinda insane. Then you have Donkey Island and then somehow Gepetto has been eaten by a whale? There are cool parts in each sequence though. The movie is a treat to look at, with so much great animation, but so far I have to say not as good as Snow White. Not bad though! I enjoyed it, I did!

Up next: Fantasia. Don't expect the wait for that one to be as short as this though; I don't own a copy of Fantasia on DVD or VHS, and I kind of think Fantasia blows, so I'm not in a huge rush to go rent a copy. Eventually, though. Maybe re-watching it will change my mind, that's what this whole thing is about isn't it! (?)

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