Monday, November 17, 2008

Watchin' Disney #06: Saludos Amigos

It's been too long since the last time I've watched Disney, but I haven't forgotten about this blog feature (making me the only one alive who hasn't forgotten about my own blog's blog feature). The reason for the delay: I'm up to Saludos Amigos, which proved kind of hard to find a library that had it on DVD to rent. I ended up getting it on loan from a library from Martin Luther King Dallas Library (who knew Texas had a Martin Luther King Library? I kinda expected a Chuck Norris Library or Alamo Library or something). Anyways, I got the DVD, I watched it, and now I'ma blog about it.

Previous relationship with movie: Never even heard of it! I didn't even know it was a movie (it kind of isn't, it's 42 minutes long).

So I watched it: I like it! It's pretty much one of those movies where Walt tries to teach you stuff; in this instance, he tries to teach you about Latin America. It's basically four shorts put together with some footage of the Disney animators going to Mexico and learning about the culture and drawing cartoons of it, and then you watch the cartoons they draw! Cool!

The shorts are all pretty good. The first three are a Donald Duck cartoon, a cartoon about an anthropomorphic plane with a mom plane and a dad plane, and a Goofy cartoon. They're all pretty basic Disney cartoons, except they happen to take place in Mexico. The last cartoon is Donald Duck meeting rude parrot Jose Carioca, in a watercolor painting of Brazil. I don't have much to say about them really. They're just cool cartoons, I recommend this movie.

Man this is a terrible blog post. The thing is I'm rushing it because this DVD is due soon and I'm gonna rack up mad fines if it's late seeing as how it needs to be shipped back to Dallas.

Up next: The Three Caballeros; more Jose Carioca, I can't wait.

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